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Starting Here!!! |

One big realization (THE GOOD): Today is day 35 folks! Our last weigh-in was on Day 30 (we’ll weigh-in again on Sunday) and I was 198.6 lbs. I know we women don’t generally share how much we weigh, especially when we weigh as much as I do, but since I’m on a juice diet and weight loss journey, I would be remiss to ignore the numbers. When we started this juice fast I was 231.5 lbs. That’s right people, in 30 days I lost almost 35 lbs! I’ve gone from a size 18 to a size 14. At my smallest I was a size 10 and about 169 lbs which looks great on me since I’m a big, tall, athletic girl by nature. But even then I was looking to get down to 155 which is still my goal weight. Hoping that equates to a size 8 but we’ll see how it goes. Either way, I haven’t been under 200 lbs in over three years. That has been a major catalyst for me to keep going. Not just because I’m looking better, but because I’m feeling better. Working out is becoming easier and easier. Even on significantly fewer calories, I’m finding myself able to run longer and faster and having lots of energy to Zumba or kickbox or lift weights or do core exercises, or just chase my son around the house. And I don’t mind saying, I’m seeing and feeling the sexiness returning! Remembering how good it feels to walk into a room and not mind that everyone is looking at you (everyone looks at me whether I’m fat or skinny because I generally stick out like a sore thumb wherever I go…except Berkeley). I notice myself walking taller and prouder and with more confidence.
The hard realization (THE NOT SO GOOD): This is not getting any easier and it ain’t gonna! I know all my blogs have been about how much better I’m feeling and how great everything is, but the day to day on this thing is HARD!!! Don’t be under any illusions; we are getting our asses kicked over here. Every day at work someone brings in something amazing to eat. Heck, I made a nice big gluten-free, vegan spaghetti dish for Blake last night that had the house smelling like an Italian restaurant all night. We push ourselves to the limit every day. We work out at least 5 days a week, usually 6.
And we work out really hard, it’s not just 20 min on the elliptical reading a book. We are using every bit of energy we are getting from the juice. The temptation and desire for food has not subsided the way we thought it would have by now. We figured by Day 30 we’d be resigned to our new lifestyle. But not so much! I was thinking about the documentary we watched that got us started on this new regime and the guys on there had no other responsibilities. They didn’t have to work, they didn’t have to cook for anyone, and they didn’t have kids to chase around or busy social schedules. They had 60 days to focus solely on themselves. We have to do this as an aside to all the other things we have to do in life. Not that anyone should feel bad for us, we made the decision to do this and we are sticking to it. But it is taking a lot more willpower than we thought it would.
The breakthrough realization (THE FREAKIN’ GREAT!): I noticed the other night that we have not been fighting. I don’t know if it’s the fact that we got all these toxins out of our systems that make us angry, stressed and tired or because the juice diet has brought us together and gotten us back on the same page again. We have been finding more time to talk to each other about what’s on our mind. Even more interesting, I think the juice has brought us both more clarity to know and articulate what we want. And I think it has also made us calmer, less judgmental, and more active listeners. Yes we still have our little tiffs, but we squash them immediately. They don’t linger and hang over our house like a dark cloud the way they used to. We have the energy to give the other person our attention and our commitment. We have made so many life decisions and talked about things we haven’t touched on in years over the past few weeks. It has really been a breakthrough. It makes me happy to say I feel like I have my husband back, and I know he feels like he has his nutty wife back. More importantly, we have our best friends back. Everything that happens in our house lately has been the result of us talking and agreeing on what we want to do.
We have gotten more organized, and I think we have much better direction than we did 35 days ago in terms of what we’re doing, where we want our life together to go, and the next steps on how to get there. I think on top of having more energy to enjoy my time with my son, being able to calm the heck down and reconnect with my husband has been such a great and unexpected benefit. I never imagined that this change would have such far-reaching consequences. I can’t even say how happy it makes me to have harmony and unity in my home. <3 <3 <3
What I’m Looking Forward To: Making it past the midpoint hurdle has allowed us to begin thinking about what our return to eating solids foods is going to consist of. We have started doing our research into the various lifestyle changing options: paleo, gluten-free, dairy-free, whole foods, plant-based, etc. We are realizing there is no steadfast, agreed-upon way to eat for any of these options and we are going to have to build some sort of hybrid for ourselves that works for us and for Blake. I think we will base it on some of our key tenets which are cutting out processed foods, reducing or eliminating our meat and dairy intake, reducing or eliminating our gluten intake, and maximizing our consumption of fruits and vegetables, all while remaining cognizant of the impact on our bank account. We know that whatever we do will involve more cooking and significantly less eating out, significantly less drinking and significantly less of all the things our bodies have grown accustomed to eating over the past 30+ years. The biggest hurdle for me will be bread.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Making it past the midpoint hurdle has allowed us to begin thinking about what our return to eating solids foods is going to consist of. We have started doing our research into the various lifestyle changing options: paleo, gluten-free, dairy-free, whole foods, plant-based, etc. We are realizing there is no steadfast, agreed-upon way to eat for any of these options and we are going to have to build some sort of hybrid for ourselves that works for us and for Blake. I think we will base it on some of our key tenets which are cutting out processed foods, reducing or eliminating our meat and dairy intake, reducing or eliminating our gluten intake, and maximizing our consumption of fruits and vegetables, all while remaining cognizant of the impact on our bank account. We know that whatever we do will involve more cooking and significantly less eating out, significantly less drinking and significantly less of all the things our bodies have grown accustomed to eating over the past 30+ years. The biggest hurdle for me will be bread.
The biggest hurdle for Ismael will be sweets. And we both have to get over our alcohol and caffeine addictions. This juice diet has been such an eye-opener in terms of showing us the things we can live without. I never imagined I could go this long without coffee or Patron and I’m sure Ismael never realized he could go this long without a Snickers bar or Black Label. But we have and we are not feeling deprived or like we are missing it for one minute. On the contrary we are seeing how bad it is for us and the way it impacts our bodies and our minds. We are starting to get excited though about this commitment to change. We realize we have made a decision that is going to impact our health and our choices for the rest of our lives. The statistics out there are so scary, disease is so rampant. When we think of things like cancer, which there is often little people can do to avoid, this lifestyle change is really the only way to reduce our chances of being stricken with that incurable disease that will afflict 41% of Americans! I don’t want to get preachy here but the things we are putting into our bodies are killing us. One of the best known quotes of the Greek physician Hippocrates was “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. Amen! At our house we are ready to start eating foods that help us live, not that help us to die. We will keep you posted on how we decide to move forward after the juice cleanse is over. And don’t worry, the blogs will keep coming!!!