Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Other 10% (that sometimes feels like 90%)

So they say living a healthy lifestyle and losing or maintaining your weight is 90% what you eat and 10% exercise.  Well although that may be the formula sometimes it feels like designing a workout program that is challenging yet not discouraging is a bigger task than eating right. I know I have been through a million different iterations of what I call my “workout routine”.  And the more people I meet through H.E.a.T the more I find that people really struggle with the exercise part of staying healthy. So I wrote this blog to share with you my exercise story as well as provide some tips on how to design a program for yourself.

Anyone who knows me also knows that volleyball is my sport. I have been playing since I was 12 years old and only stopped a few years ago when I got pregnant with my son. I always played on leagues or found pick-up games or open gyms. Wherever there was volleyball, I was there. It was my main source of exercise along with whatever conditioning and weight training came with volleyball practice. I was not by any means a gym rat. I should note here that I grew up in California so there was no need to go inside to work out. I didn’t really start fooling around with gyms until I moved to New York for grad school and did a semester abroad in Belgium.  During the cold, snowy winters I discovered the treadmill and weightlifting. My classmates Yvette and Patrice were my first gym buddies and we would navigate the cardio machines, free weights, and nautilus machines together. Yvette and Patrice had both been cheerleaders in college and oddly had spent more time in the gym than I had. I guess cheerleaders are indeed athletes too LOL. However I found that I took to the gym like a fish to water and later when I moved back to California and started taking classes at the gym, I really fell in love. But my humble beginnings were in Rochester, New York and Leuven, Belgium.

While I was in grad school my sister Shannon took up running. And much like everything she does, she couldn’t just take up running, she had to become a marathoner. So while I was plugging away learning how to lift weights she was busy running 26.2 miles. While I was doing my summer internship in San Francisco she brought me into the fold. First we started with Lake Merritt and eventually ended up in the windy hills of San Francisco at the Nike Women’s Marathon, my first competitive race. Becoming a runner was to me the completion of the athletic trifecta. I could play sports, I could lift weights, and now I could do some serious cardio. How it was that my weight yo-yoed so much during this time I will never know (maybe that 90% thing). Of everything I had done, learning how to run was the hardest. It’s not just about being strong or fast, or even being an athlete. Running requires a whole different skill set; a physical and mental endurance I had not previously experienced.

In 2006 on Cyber Monday (the internet version of Black Friday) I took advantage of a deep discount on a membership to 24 Hour Fitness.  Looking back on it now I know it was the first day of my life as a woman who put her health and fitness at the forefront of her life.  Even though I had been running I was finding that I wasn’t losing weight the way I wanted to. So when I joined the gym I was one of those people who didn’t feel comfortable in the main exercise area with all the big, muscular guys and all the tiny girls who work out in matching pink sweatsuits with their hair down. So I started out in the last row of a class called Turbo Kickboxing. I should also note here that not only had I never taken an exercise class before but I am also a little, well, rhythmically challenged. So I camped out in the back of the room for a few weeks until I made a few friends who encouraged me to move up a row or two and let the newbies fill in the back. Eventually I worked my way up to the front row, started taking strength and endurance classes and pretty much any class that I could fit into my after-work schedule.  I was such a regular I even had my own spot in the room. Instructors always crack up when they hear how territorial their members get. By the way if you are new to the gym, regulars do not like routine to be messed with. On the rare day I was late to class and someone came in that didn’t know that was MY SPOT and none of the other regulars had been able to properly explain the social order, I would set up as close as possible to my spot and proceed to glare at the squatter and give her as little space as possible throughout the class. Generally by the end of the class I would have forced my way back into my spot. Hey man it’s brutal out there! Anyway before I knew it I had been a member for a full year, I had made a ton of new friends (including the instructor Shola and my current bff/sister/lifesaver Selena), and I had lost 70 pounds! This was due to a combination of running, taking the classes, and taking my diet more seriously which meant portion control and cutting back on bread products.  I had fallen in love with exercise and without even realizing, reaped the benefits of taking better care of myself.

Fast forward to today. I have found that exposing myself to and being open to learning about the benefits of multiple forms of exercise really helps keep me encouraged to work out every day. So many people I’ve talked to say they are bored with their exercise routine. More often than not those are people who only do one thing. Either they just get on the treadmill/elliptical, or they just lift weights, or they just run, or they just take classes. The best way to not get bored is to switch up your routine. That’s also the best way to maintain your fitness level or to lose weight. It helps to you challenge yourself and ensures you work different muscle groups and focus on different aspects of your fitness (cardio/strength/endurance/flexibility/core). Some days we still just go for a run but most days we do some combination of exercises. For instance whenever we lift weights we either focus on a particular area (arms, back, upper body, legs, etc) or we do full body and we always supplement with some cardio and some ab work. We also like to exercise outside and take advantage of the great weather and scenery and the later hours of daylight (soon to end sadly).  We have put together our own interval training programs that combine strength, cardio, resistance, core, a little of everything.

My advice for getting out of your exercise rut or getting started on a new routine is twofold. The first has to do with the physical part. As I’ve already explained you have to get creative with your routine and be open to different types of exercise. A lot of times women are afraid to lift heavy weights and prefer to stick to the little pink and turquoise dumbbells. Colorful dumbbells are for strength/cardio classes and power walking. Put those things down and head for the free weights! Don’t be afraid to step out of your box. Conversely men think they can’t do aerobic exercise or core work. Take a step or kickboxing class and build your endurance. There is such a thing as too much lifting especially when you don’t have enough endurance to run from one end of the gym to the other.  Pilates and planks are not just for women. Building your core is not only good for your midsection, but it increases your overall strength and helps to avoid injuries to your back and shoulders which is very important for weightlifters.

Being strong does not always mean being muscular. Guys don’t discount the importance of lean muscle and ladies, there is nothing wrong with a little gun show!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Blog #15 Moving with the Mendozas...

Oh man what a freakin whirlwind. Since early May when I accepted a new position within my company, we have been planning our Orange County relocation and return to our home state of California. 

We finally
arrived in Irvine on August 6th after an extremely stressful couple of months looking for a new place to live, a new school for our son, trying to find new tenants for our house, packing, packing, and more packing, all while dealing with a new job that is much more demanding than my last job. Today is September 30, 2013. 

Unpacking has been very slow going because I haven’t been able to take off work any additional time and our son

didn't start school till September 9th which left my husband no time at all to unpack much less get any work done himself. But we finally finished unpacking and I promised my son we would take a trip to the beach in celebration. In his usual fashion he has shown endless patience with his parents and maintained his sweet temperament throughout this process. His parents? Not so much… 

I know the reason you all read the blog is because you appreciate my honesty and realism, right? Right! So this move has not been good for my health and fitness goals at all. As I’ve mentioned in the past I feel this duty to all the H.E.a.T  fans and supporters to be super guru and am finding it hard to admit when I am struggling. But this move has gone from juice to Slurpees and everything in between. It has been hard in so many ways. From just physically making it happen, to not having access to our juicer and all the good foods we like to eat, to the emotional toll it has taken on myself and on my husband.  

The move was expensive and we got to Irvine on fumes financially and spiritually.

We fought it as long as we could but finally gave in to pizza and burgers, even for our son which we NEVER do. We stopped going to our gym about a week before we moved and just went to our new gym last week for the first time (that’s about a month without working out). I’m finding myself having to squeeze back into jeans that were fitting me great and I had to put some of my pre-baby stuff that was starting to fit back up on the shelf. That svelte look I was beginning to get has once again been overtaken by the muffin top.  I haven’t actually gotten on the scale yet and to the untrained eye I probably don’t look much different. But I know it and that’s all that matters. It has been painful after working so hard for so long to have to start doing make-up work. 
Although I’m trying to not to beat myself up too much (these things happen) I am a little disappointed.   But what have I said in the past? Disappointment doesn’t do anything to help your cause. All it does is push you further in the wrong direction. Turning your life around takes strength and determination and you can’t be 
that person when you are making excuses and feeling defeated. 

So I’m allowing myself to feel a quick moment of disappointment and then getting my ass back on the horse. The great thing about this process has been that I have learned how to take care of myself. Last week when we went back to the gym I found that I could still lift the same weight I was lifting before (although it took a little extra effort). I have started running again during lunch and have been able to maintain my 10 minute mile pace even for a 5 mile run in 85 degree heat. I feel like I haven’t lost a step! And throughout this move we only stopped juicing for about a week while we were physically unable to get to our juicer or find a juice bar. So maybe it’s not as bad as I’m making it sound.
Oh wait I forgot about those Seven jeans I tried on this morning that laughed in my face.
OK, so it’s bad. But you know what? It’s OK! Because I know what I have to do get back to where I used to be and continue on this path to ultimate good health and fitness.   Further encouragement to get my butt back in gear is the great prospects for H.E.a.T down here in Orange County.  

We were a little trepid about the prospects for our little company as we feared that, here in the birthplace of the health and fitness community, we would just be another face in the crowd. 
But we are finding that is not the case. Even here we have yet to find a company that does exactly what H.E.a.T does.

There are the crazy exercise fiend companies. There are dieting and healthy eating companies galore. There are even quite a few combinations of diet of exercise out there (although not as many as you would think). However we haven’t seen any other company that takes its clients step by step, coaching them back to good health through resetting their bodies with a cleanse, and then teaching them how to eat and how to work out AND how not to get back to the way they used to be by working through their psychological and emotional issues around food and exercise. That’s a winning combination there that few companies offer. The more we look around the better we feel about the uniqueness of our company and where we might be able to take it.

Anyway, all that said, you can’t coach people back to good health if you are struggling yourself. My husband and I have agreed not to start accepting clients (for money anyway) until we are well on our way to the fitness model physiques we’re going for. You gotta give your clients something to aspire to and nothing does that better than being an example of how working hard pays off. That said, off to the running trails, free weights, and produce section I go!

It’s all about Team Mendoza and it’s all about staying healthy and keeping focused on our goals. It’s ok to fall off and get distracted or overwhelmed by life sometimes as long as you don’t fall too far or for too long and when the dust settles you are still on track to achieve your goals. As we’ve said a million times, it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change. We will not let our brief foray into the dark side derail our hard work or upset our program. We continue to keep it moving around here in the Mendoza house cuz that’s just how we roll!


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Blog #14 – Practice What You Preach


      (I wrote this two weeks ago but didn’t have the courage to post it)

The last several blogs have been more about the business side of things than the personal. As I mentioned before this blog has taken on a life of its own and now it’s the catalyst for a new company my husband and I are starting. While the blog has always been a mix of instructional/motivational and personal, I want to make this one a return to the pure truth and reality of this experience for me.

With the success of the blog and now the H.E.a.T Facebook page and new business endeavor I realize that I’m feeling additional pressure to not mess up and show people that I’m a normal person. But that’s how the blog started gaining popularity; people saw the transformation and appreciated the honesty and the opportunity to be on this journey with me. So I’m gonna be real with my audience here. I’m struggling right now guys. With all the change going on in our lives including the new job and the cross-country relocation along with all our new ideas and endeavors, I have been feeling overwhelmed, tired and stressed the heck out. Although we have pretty much kept on track with our workout routine, for me the Food Demons have returned. Even as I write this I’m eating a miniature Special Dark chocolate bar because the evil admin in my new department is one of those happy, bubbly ones that always has candy at her desk.  She also orders lunch for the department at least twice a week and it generally involves sandwiches, chips, and cookies. I did say she’s evil, right? But on the serious tip I’ve been experiencing the associated sadness, lack of motivation, drained energy, and self-criticism that generally accompany a poor diet.

As strong as I have been throughout this process (I even juiced twice a day and worked out while I was traveling a couple weeks ago), I have reached my breaking point. My new job has been completely insane since I started. Trying to juggle the crazy hours I’ve been working with traveling for work, to having family in town, to the constant nagging in the back of my mind that I need to find a place to live and a school for my son. I need to call a realtor, I need to find someone to take over my current lease, I need to contact schools to arrange visits for Blake when/if we ever get back down to SoCal for a house hunting trip. I’m fighting with my sister. I’m worried about money. I’m uncertain if I made the right choice accepting this new job and moving my family across the country again. My hair is falling out. My allergies are out of control. I’m completely exhausted.

I think acceptance is one of the 12 steps, right? Well I am admitting and accepting that I am struggling and I need help. But I think this admittance is helping me even now to be ready to shake it off and keep moving forward. It’s time for me to take a dose of my own freakin medicine. I spend so much time encouraging others and trying to spread information, I sometimes forget to do it for myself. Hold on guys, I’m gonna go back and read the Food Demons blog again…BRB (as the young people say).

I re-read a bunch of the old blogs and it’s amazing how they help get me recharged. I can read them and relive the journey that brought me to where I am today. The Food Demons blog helps me to remember that this is an everyday battle. Even if I lose the battle one day, I am still winning the war. I am a new person from who I was 7 months ago when we first started juicing. I have learned so much about myself and about what I put into my body and how it makes me feel. My exercise routine is through the roof compared to how I used to work out which was already pretty hard core. I’m proud of myself and every day I continue to move in the right direction. Even as I finish this piece of chocolate I am reminded of how two years ago I would have eaten an entire chocolate bar plus a sandwich, chips, and a cookie or two or three. So even though I am struggling right now, I have to realize that everything is relative. As long as I continue to move in the right direction, it’s OK to have a moment of weakness. Even health and fitness gurus have their days! LOL 
Please everyone, go to our fan page 
Thank you 29th Bridge, "BIN" for all your hard work! 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Blog #13 – Tool #2 – Cooking Your Own Crap!

Let me just revisit what this whole “tool” thing is about and also get you up to date on what’s going on with Operation Creampuff. A few blogs ago I wrote about Food Demons and promised to share some tools that people (myself included) can use to keep them on the path to a healthy lifestyle and avoid overeating or eating the wrong foods. The first tool I wrote about was Mindful Eating. Mindful eating is about allowing yourself to fully experience both the foods you eat and your body’s reaction to them. Not only taking the time to taste and savor the flavors, textures, colors, etc. but also thinking about your hunger and fullness cues and how your body feels when you eat certain foods. Eating mindfully helps with portion control as well as making you think differently about food. Food is not just sustenance and food is not a refuge. Food is awesome, but not if we are using to deal with some other more pressing issue in our lives. Mindful eating makes you a more creative, more thoughtful and more discerning eater, if you do it right. 

Read more about Mindful Eating on Blog #11 and the associated article.
Bringing you up to speed

Joe Cross & Phil Burrows
Now, where are we now?  Have we been able to maintain this crazy routine of ours? If you’ve been following the blog you know we started out this lifestyle change back in January with a 67-day juice cleanse inspired by a good friend of ours and by the Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead documentary. We used those 67 days to do some research and build a healthy eating and rigorous exercise program for ourselves that we could maintain once we stopped juicing with the goal of establishing a new regime that would (hopefully) last a lifetime. Well so far we have done just that. We are not experiencing the rapid weight loss we did while we were juicing, but that’s a good thing!

Now we are focusing on shedding body fat, shaping, toning, building muscle, and eating foods that support what we are trying to do with our bodies as well as with our lives. We are settling in well to our much more restrictive diet where we have severely lessened our meat, dairy, grains, starches and alcohol intake and we have cut out our processed food intake altogether. We have learned that there is a plentitude of things we can still eat and interesting things you can do with just fruits and vegetables. As an added benefit we are also spending A LOT less money on food. Packaged and processed foods are a lot more expensive than buying things in their natural state, as you pay for the added convenience of someone else doing the work for you. You pay with your wallet and your health.

In terms of exercise, we have taken on a very intense workout regimen and have really gotten into the whole fitness and weightlifting world. We work out 6 days a week for at least an hour each time. We do a lot of crossfit-type workouts, we do sprint interval training, and we have also significantly increased the amount of weight we lift, especially me. I’m loving seeing how I strong I can be and loving seeing the definition forming in my arms, back and abs. Getting into the idea of getting ripped and not just getting skinny, healthy, and in shape (yes, I used the term “ripped”, I’m one of THOSE people now). Really getting excited about taking this whole thing to the next level and starting to help more people get into this lifestyle.

Use the tools!

OK on to the next tool! I call this one, "Cooking Your Own Crap" (LOL, what can I say, I like a good catchphrase just as much as the next person). This tool is exactly what it says. Let’s be real, there are gonna be some days when you want cookies, cake, pizza, ice cream (AKA crap). My advice? Have some! But make it yourself.  Here are the reasons I think this is a better option.

  • One, making it yourself requires you to go through the sometimes painstaking baking/cooking/preparing process. It gives you an opportunity to think about how much you really want whatever treat you’re craving. If you want it all that badly, you’ll do the work to make it happen. If not, then problem solved (because of course don’t keep any of that bad stuff in your house , right?)! 

  • Two, if you cook it yourself you have some control over the ingredients and can ensure that there aren’t strange additives, preservatives, coloring, etc. that are not good for you in the mix. You can take this opportunity to use whole wheat flour or a wheat alternative like amaranth instead of white, bleached, processed flour. You can use raw sugar or agave instead of white, bleached, processed sugar. You can use coconut oil or ghee instead of vegetable oil, shortening , or butter. Good stuff, right?! 

  • Perhaps the best reason to cook your crap yourself is that you can control the portions. If you bake something from scratch you are generally working with a recipe that yields something like 4 servings rather than a bag that likely yields 20 servings. When you cook your own food hopefully the likelihood of you sitting down and eating all 12 cookies you just baked is less than the likelihood of sitting down and eating that entire bag of Chips Ahoy. Especially after you’ve done all that work to create them. 

  • Also, food cooked this way I find to be more filling as it is not the same empty calories as what you buy off the shelf, there are some actual real ingredients in there. And you’ll be so proud of yourself you’ll want to share them anyway and make sure everyone knows you are WAY healthier eater then that are!

Thanks!!! (and stay tuned…)

Along this path we have encountered so many people with so many different outlooks. Some have been downright negative and ugly while others have been overly anxious to do whatever we did to lose all this weight without fully understanding the sacrifice and commitment involved. But we’ve mainly met a ton of people that just really need some help in getting healthy and getting active, just like we did. This blog and this journey has turned into a platform for us to be able to help other people like ourselves, who are ready to make real change in their lives. We are very excited about everything we have in the pipeline. New ideas, projects, STUFF! We can’t wait to share it all with our awesome readers! Till then, keep that positive energy and great contributions coming! By the way our new new facebook page is up please click on this Go H.E.a.T.!!! and click "like".

Go Team Mendoza!!!