Let me just revisit what this whole “tool” thing is about and also get you up to date on what’s going on with Operation Creampuff. A few blogs ago I wrote about Food Demons and promised to share some tools that people (myself included) can use to keep them on the path to a healthy lifestyle and avoid overeating or eating the wrong foods. The first tool I wrote about was Mindful Eating. Mindful eating is about allowing yourself to fully experience both the foods you eat and your body’s reaction to them. Not only taking the time to taste and savor the flavors, textures, colors, etc. but also thinking about your hunger and fullness cues and how your body feels when you eat certain foods. Eating mindfully helps with portion control as well as making you think differently about food. Food is not just sustenance and food is not a refuge. Food is awesome, but not if we are using to deal with some other more pressing issue in our lives. Mindful eating makes you a more creative, more thoughtful and more discerning eater, if you do it right.
more about Mindful Eating on Blog #11 and the associated article.
Bringing you up to speed
Joe Cross & Phil Burrows |

Use the tools!
OK on to the next tool! I call this one, "Cooking Your Own
Crap" (LOL, what can I say, I like a good catchphrase just as much as the next
person). This tool is exactly what it says. Let’s be real, there are gonna be
some days when you want cookies, cake, pizza, ice cream (AKA crap). My advice?
Have some! But make it yourself. Here
are the reasons I think this is a better option.
- One, making it yourself requires you to go through the sometimes painstaking baking/cooking/preparing process. It gives you an opportunity to think about how much you really want whatever treat you’re craving. If you want it all that badly, you’ll do the work to make it happen. If not, then problem solved (because of course don’t keep any of that bad stuff in your house , right?)!
- Two, if you cook it yourself you have some control over the ingredients and can ensure that there aren’t strange additives, preservatives, coloring, etc. that are not good for you in the mix. You can take this opportunity to use whole wheat flour or a wheat alternative like amaranth instead of white, bleached, processed flour. You can use raw sugar or agave instead of white, bleached, processed sugar. You can use coconut oil or ghee instead of vegetable oil, shortening , or butter. Good stuff, right?!
- Perhaps the best reason to cook your crap yourself is that you can control the portions. If you bake something from scratch you are generally working with a recipe that yields something like 4 servings rather than a bag that likely yields 20 servings. When you cook your own food hopefully the likelihood of you sitting down and eating all 12 cookies you just baked is less than the likelihood of sitting down and eating that entire bag of Chips Ahoy. Especially after you’ve done all that work to create them.
- Also, food cooked this way I find to be more filling as it is not the same empty calories as what you buy off the shelf, there are some actual real ingredients in there. And you’ll be so proud of yourself you’ll want to share them anyway and make sure everyone knows you are WAY healthier eater then that are!
Thanks!!! (and stay tuned…)

Go Team Mendoza!!!
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