Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Journey Begins…

We met almost five years ago.  Even though so much has happened, the time has flown by.  In a whirlwind of events, we got married, had a beautiful little boy, moved across the country, changed jobs, left our families, made a whole new set of friends, bought snow boots.  One thing has stayed the same…our commitment to each other.  And so we take this life journey to the next step, having healthier minds and bodies.  For ourselves, for each other and for our son.

We started out in tip top physical shape, running every day, constant gym rats.  Then we would party at night and get up the next day to do it all over again.  Mentally we were excited about our life together, our dreams, and what lay ahead.  We had a fun life, we had finally met someone with whom we were in agreement about how to live life, and what was important in life.  We lived on a cloud.

What do they say, change is the only constant?  Well we are a case in point; our life together has been a lesson in change.  Somewhere in the process of all this change we lost sight of our goals which were always to put each other first, our son ahead of everything, and nothing else going on outside our bubble mattered. We let the outside in and started allowing ourselves to feel the pressures of the outside world; money, stress, family issues, distraction.

This New Year’s Eve we made a pact to make 2013 about self-preservation, about getting refocused on what really matters: each other. To kick it off, we are committing to a lifestyle change that we hope will help us regain our focus on being all-around healthy people again. This will start off with establishing goals for ourselves for the year and beyond.  The goals will be mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, whatever we want.  We will then start a 60-day juice cleanse.  Sixty days is a long time to juice!!! We will be tested on a lot of levels, mainly on Friday pizza night and Saturday Patron/Chivas Regal night. But it’s also about turning off the TV and talking to each other more.  Picking up the books we said we want to read together.  Taking our son outside to ride his bike even though it’s 30 degrees outside.  Getting our home and our minds organized.  Not being wasteful, not being lazy. Seeing and reveling in how far we can push our bodies and minds. And making time for our personal goals as well. 

We hope you will come along this journey with us.  It should be a lot of fun! There’ll be fat pictures and skinny pictures (hopefully), ups and downs, challenges and successes, tears and joy.  And in the end we hope we can say we are stronger people and are more connected to each other than ever!



1 comment:

  1. THIS IS AWESOME!!! I can't wait to follow along on your blog...cheers to this whole new clean eating thang!!! xoxo
